WKM is an international registered No For Profit Organization with no political, commercial or religious affiliations. The formation of the organisation crystallised at a conference in Tokyo on 20th September 1997 when Japan brought together like-minded kindness organisations from around the world for the first time. WKM is now recognised as the peak global body for Kindness and whilst not a governing body it is a platform for collaboration and sharing. The mission of the WKM is to inspire individuals towards greater kindness by connecting nations to create a kinder world. Members of the movement include over 27 nations with representatives from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Italy,….
What it Means to be a Member of The World Kindness Movement:
All members have the responsibility of organizing activities related to kindness within their community through their organization and plan activities for World Kindness Day on the 13th of November each year. A registered Not for Profit /Non-Governmental Organisation or Government Agency with the primary purpose dedicated to promoting kindness can be eligible to become a member. Obligations include organizing events for World Kindness Day (13 November) and attending the international General Assembly (AGM) which are convened every 2 years. Any member can be invited by the International Council to participate in WKM committees.
Proud supporters of the World Kindness Movement
Website Development
Collaborates for the UNESCO MGIEP Kindness Matters Campaign